Friday, August 12, 2011

Free Nutrition Menu for High Performance Athletes (40/30/30)

In the attempt to reach our athletic goals, there are many that struggle with the whole nutrition aspect. Most people don't realize how much of a difference nutrition really makes not only for your performance, but for your appearance as well. It's easy to feel confident about what you're doing with your nutrition when you eat "healthy", but is it really enough? If you have particular goals to reach, just eating "healthy" isn't going to be enough. You really need to get yourself on a nutrition program. Isn't that what you do with your training? Why would it be so important to get on a training program but not a nutrition program?

Here is the catch, what I am proposing is not that you need to go on a "diet". First of all, I hate that word, it is so misused and misunderstood. When I'm talking about a nutrition program I am not referring to a crash diet that will allow you to lose 15 pounds in a week. That is not the right way to do it. Any diet that says you will lose excessive amounts of weight in a short period of time is basically telling you that they know how you can dehydrate the crap out of yourself in a short period of time so that your scale number looks better. But its not really the number on the scale that we care about right? Its the actual composition of your body's that we really care about. What I'm talking about it gaining muscle and losing fat. Toning is what some people call it. I call it eating right and working out, plain and simple. Eat to be healthy. Eat to fit your lifestyle. If you are inactive, then you should eat differently then someone that works out every day. If you are a strength athlete (i.e. a power lifter) you should eat differently than someone that competes in triathlons. There is no one way the everyone should eat, each persons metabolism is as varied and complex as their own fingerprint.

The file that I have given you access to is a general nutritional menu (with recipes) for the general individual that exercises regularly. It is formatted in the 40/30/30 (CHO/PRO/FAT) ratio that is similar to the "ZONE" diet. This is what I believe is the best all-around diet for the regularly exercising individual, but not necessarily someone that is a elite level athlete. I hope that you find it valuable and enlightening. Just remember, everyone is different and this may not be the best for you, but its a good start for someone that doesn't quite have the nutrition part down.

If you are interested in getting personalized nutrition if you are a competing athlete, looking to lose a few pounds, or just trying to stay healthy then let me know. I have thousands of recipes and menu combinations. Email me at and I will get you going on your way to nutritional success today!

The attached link will get you to the FREE MENU WITH RECIPES!

Don't forget about my HIGH PERFORMANCE NUTRITION PDF  that is also free!

Also my four week workout program! Email me at to get a personalized workout program!


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