Sunday, June 5, 2011

Journey from Acumen to Acuity

I'm sure I'm not the only one that his this problem. You have this great idea. A thought that you feel is the greatest thing you have ever thought of. It sounds so good to you in your own head. Then comes the let down. You just can't seem to express yourself in the manner that best serves your thought. Everyone around you looks at you like an idiot, because what you just said was a little idiotic. But it sounded so good in my head, where did I go wrong? You walk away from the situation a little dejected and confused. Damn, I thought that was going to be good.

Well, it probably was good. If you're like me, you just struggle slightly with accurately and concisely conveying your message to those around you in such a way that they understand what you really mean. So many times words come out of peoples mouths that are close to what they want to say, but not quite.

How does this relate at all to the title? Well, if you really understand the difference between to definitions of both of the words acumen and acuity it would make some sense. This really is a journey for me. Mostly because I feel that there is so much going on in my head that is grand and wonderful, it just never seems to formulate itself on my tongue and roll off quite the way that my mind envisioned it.

The definitions of acumen and acuity from are as follows:
Acumen: keen insight
Acuity: sharpness, acuteness, keenness

Very similar and not much difference. But the brilliant people at make this clear distinction.

"acumen  suggests that keenness relates to a person's mind, whereas acuity  suggests that it relates to a person's performance; acumen is something that a person has, whereas acuity is something that a person displays "

I feel that this is the chasm that separates my wisdom from my expression. I believe my mind is very good, very powerful and very keen. My acuity on the other hand, at least is regards to the spoken word, sucks.

Therefore, this blog is essentially my effort at bridging the two together. Using the writing as a tool to sharpened my ability to display that which I have.

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