Saturday, June 11, 2011

Greek Yogurt Goodness for that Late-Night Craving

We all know that its tough to resist those cravings late at night when we're watching TV and seeing all those adds for all those sweets and other foods that we know we shouldn't be eating. Especially late at night right before we go to bed. The following recipe is a healthy alternative to the prepackaged ice cream that is much healthier for you and, in my opinion, much better tasting. This is a food that will be delicious and will also leave you felling better than you did before you ate it, rather than feeling fat and bloated like we do after eating a big bowl of ice cream.

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (don't get the stuff that's got fruit in it already, too much sugar!)
1/2 cup frozen unsweetened fruit (blueberries are my preference)
1/8 cup chopped walnuts
1 tsp ground flax seed
1 bowl
1 spoon
1 happy smile after you taste this delicious dish

After you get all your awesome ingredients together, mix them up in the bowl while the fruit is still frozen (this is the essential part to make it an "ice cream"). Make sure you enjoy it right away because the frozen fruit won't be frozen for long. Enjoy.

Here's the best part of all this mess. The yogurt gives you all kinds of great protein, tons of healthy enzymes for digestion, and a delicious texture that's just like ice cream when you mix in the frozen fruit. The blueberries will help get you closer to your daily required serving of fruit, fiber, and antioxidants. The walnuts will get you some great omega-3 fats, and so will the flax seed adding additional fiber. Not only is this delicious, but its chock-full of great things we could all use a little more of.

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